July 19
Time:06:00 pm - 08:00 pm
Event Category: Click to Register: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/figuring-out-finding-the-right-opportunity-tickets-374359408067Identifying the right opportunity is not always as easy as it sounds. As your career develops, opportunities will change and you will have the chance to be more selective. This online workshop will share tools and ideas to help understand what is available and if/how they relate to your practice. We will look at techniques to increase your success rate for applications and how you can pitch your work or idea in the right way.
One of the key components for artistic development is forming relationships with curators, producers and commissioners. Moving beyond the dreaded ‘networking’, we discuss how you can start nurturing relationships with key stakeholders to move towards more tailored, long-term projects.
Designed for emerging / early-career visual artists (in the broadest sense), this online workshop will be delivered by curator and mentor, Mark Devereux to give you the tools and knowledge to take those important next steps in your career.
Finding the right opportunity is part of our brand-new series of workshops and short courses, Figuring Out… Taking place online and in-person, Mark Devereux Projects will take a deep dive into some of the most fundamental aspects of creating and sustaining an artist career.
We are proud to also introduce our new Pay It Forward ticket scheme, giving two new options to support artists from low income backgrounds.