Tuning in and listening to our bodies and place in the environment can help us understand it to connect to the land and world around us. Healthy ecosystems can be heard and the changing landscapes over time can be noticed by the altering sounds within a space. Ecologists often use sounds as a marker to map and understand the evolution of landscapes across the world.
During the workshop, Anna will bring these approaches and ideas to the urban setting at Metal. We will start by exploring the spaces close to the site, listening to sounds of the environment. We will then bring these experiences back to create a collaborative, immersive artwork together in the workspace at Metal.
Following a complimentary lunch, where we will sit together surrounded by the artwork, Julia Calver will lead a creative writing workshop to further explore our experiences from the morning session. Through reading, writing and listening together we will think about the material and mental connections between ourselves and others, and the transitions between open and urban spaces.
Warm up the palm of your hands, draws on the idea of listening to our ecology to understand how the world is changing. Having started in summer 2021 in the Wild Rumpus woodland site, Anna developed a series of workshop ideas to build empathy with the woodland space through play, listening and building together. The project and workshops have been inspired by Pauline Olivros’ deep listening movement, forest school activities and Donna Harroway’s description of string figures from ‘staying with the trouble.’
Warm up the palm of your hands, has been produced by Anna Horton Cremin in collaboration with Julia Calver, Emily Warner and Mark Devereux Projects. This workshop is kindly hosted by Metal, Liverpool with funding from Arts Council England and Cheshire East Council.